Daily Reports




Milestones Testing Will Again Account For 20% of High School Students’ Grades in 2022

For the first time since 2019, end-of-the-year Georgia Milestones Testing will count for 20-percent of your public high school student’s final grade.

Last year, because of schooling hardships from the covid-19 pandemic, end of year testing counted for only .01 percent of a student’s grade. Failing the test did not prevent students from advancing to the next grade level; and, the scores were not used to assess a school district on college and career readiness.

The Carroll County Schools District on Monday said this is the first time in three years, they expect to have “normal testing.”

“Back in 2020, we had no tests. Last year, we tested— but our virtual students did not have to test…Our end of course tests for high school students counted virtually nothing. But, we are back to normal this year,” Carroll County Schools, Director of High Schools & Assessment, Dr. Travis Thomas told the Carroll County Board of Education on Monday.” … and, there are not as many tests now with the Georgia Milestones compared to the last time we had testing, pre-Covid. The state has reduced the number of tests students have to take.”

Thomas said every student in grades 3-8 will take Math and English/ Language Arts. 5th Grade students also take Science in addition to Math and English/ Language Arts. 8th Grade students take Science and Social Studies in addition to Math and Language Arts.

High School students will now only take four end-of-year tests. Pre-Covid, they took eight.

Thomas says Georgia Milestones Testing will begin May third for the Carroll County Schools District.


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